Membership is open to all persons who are in good standing with The American Kennel Club or in the case of foreign members, a kennel club recognized by the AKC, and who subscribe to the purposes of this Club. Six types of membership are available as described below.
Regular Membership– (Individual). An adult member located within the defined club territory. Has the right to hold office, sponsor, nominate and second and is entitled to one vote.
Regular Household Membership– Two adult Regular members residing in the same household, each eligible to vote. Only one member is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors at a time.
Associate Membership– (Individual). Adult members entitled to all club privileges except voting and office holding (offered to individuals who live outside of the club’s area; as well as to individuals who live in the club’s area but are not active and request Associate status). An Associate Member shall be informed of all Club meetings and activities. Associate members may serve on committees or serve as chairpersons of committees. Associate members are not counted in fulfilling quorum requirements.
Associate Household Membership– Two adult Associate members residing in the same household.
Junior Membership- Members 10 to under 18 years of age. This is a non-voting/ non-office holding membership. Junior members shall not count in the determination of a quorum.
Foreign Membership: A Foreign Member is one who resides in a country outside of the United States. Foreign Members shall enjoy all the privileges of membership except the right to vote, hold office, and participate in the Club’s Membership Awards programs per AKC guidelines. Foreign members shall not count in the determination of a quorum.

Regular Members must reside within the area outlined in purple on the map. This is the club's designated territory. With the headquarters in Mt Airy, MD, the territory consists of most of Maryland to the border with Pennsylvania, excepting the eastern shore, northern Virginia south to Orange County and east to I-95. The western boundary follows I-81, inclusive of the southeast corner of West Virginia.
Associate Members may reside anywhere in the USA.
Dues are paid annually, with the fiscal year running from July 1 to June 30. Dues are not prorated. Dues are due on July 1 of each year, regardless of when a member joins.
We now offer an online application for new members. If you still prefer to download, print, complete by hand and mail an application, scroll down. Either way, you may choose to use paypal or mail a check to the Treasurer.
Forms are not needed for Renewal memberships unless your Contact Information has changed.

Pay Dues Here
If you prefer to postal mail your application or check
Membership $25
Regular Household
Membership $30
Membership $20
Associate Household
Membership $25
Membership $10
Membership $10